| March 2nd, 2018

A Weary Student Takes Over Campus

By: journeymagazine
A Weary Student Takes Over Campus

By| Chambria Gordon

A new document has surfaced around Florida A&M University’s campus, and it is not your ordinary letter.

The letter titled, “WE PAY TO HAVE A SAY” is an unformal, unapologetic letter that has remained anonymous since last week Thursday. The byline reads weary student and it only begins there.

The weary student began their letter by stating how reluctant they were to go to an HBCU until they were persuaded by their parents to go through with it.

The letter seemed to be going in a positive direction right up until the student stated, “I recently wondered if I had chosen a different HBCU, would I face the issues that I face at this university?”

The student then acknowledged that our university has problems and no one is vocal about them.

“SGA and other organizations can only do so much” said Christina Hunter, a fourth-year Broadcast Journalism student at FAMU. “I do agree to a point about not asking enough questions. However, I think we need to learn who to ask”.

The weary student continued the letter with a statement to the student body.

“When is the last time you looked at your student account and questioned what all of the acronyms that have prices next to them mean?”

“Have you ever wondered what and where all that money is going to?”

Deborah Castor, a FAMU Alumni said, “I have always wondered what all of those extra fees are.” Deborah has never asked Financial Aid why the fees are issued. “I just assumed all of the universities have fees that they charge the students. I really wish I could have asked more questions.”

Christina Hunter added, “I think the paper had a valid point about wondering where our money is going. I distinctly remember having a teacher once say, why do we as students pay a technology fee? While our technology is always broken, or outdated.”

The weary student continued with several questions to the student body. “What about the empty student housing buildings and the new signs located all around campus?”

“It has been nearly four years since they shut down my dorms and I have not seen anything come of it since,” said Christina.

As the letter progressed, the weary student began to blame the student body for the existence of these issues. The letter states, “And if you have asked these questions and never looked for answers, you are also to blame. Wake up people!”

“I disagree,” said Hubert Amilcar, a third- year Computer Information Systems student.

“If there are people seeking answers and no one actually answers them how can they be the blame?” he said. “The student government is here to represent us. That is why they always invite students to the Board of Directors meeting, if our money isn’t being spent correctly how is it the student body’s fault?”

How can we as a student body improve FAMU? Does it begin with the officials that we elect to represent us? Or does it begin with us? The weary student offers no solutions for their accusations. Their one and only solution is to speak up and challenge the university by seeking answers.